P.S. to Fite: I should add that I read a person can have both cluttering and stuttering. But then I read other things saying they are very different. I found a chart that compared the differences between the two. I can email that to you if you want. Or maybe I'll try to post it in the Clutterers thread I just started.

Also interesting to me, since at times I've wondered "ADD?" about DS8, was to read that there is a link between cluttering and ADD. Not that all Clutterers have ADD but there is often an overlap of symptoms, or a tendency to mistake Cluttering symptoms as ADD. Of course, a person can have both disorders. Cluttering has a lot to do with (in)ability to organize--so does ADD. I read that clutterers tend to be capable of macro-organizing (setting up big systems, abstract thought, connecting seemingly unrelated things) but very bad at micro-organizing (following or maintaining organized systems day to day, attention to details, etc.).

Other tidbits:
Clutters tend to be visual-spatial/wholistic thinkers (goes with the macro-organizing, the abstract thought); have trouble with sequential recall; trouble with word retrieval; above-average intelligence; excel in math and abstract sciences; have sloppy handwriting; messy bedrooms (that's the "bad at micro-organizing" part); and often little to no awareness of their disorder.