Mite (9 tomorrow!!!) does have an IEP and a medical diagnosis of dysgraphia and dyspraxia (and graphomotor dyspraxia) currently.

The math teach is teaching him to survey the page and highlight when the question style changes (ie if he was doing subtraction and now will be doing addition or story problems), highlight action words and identifying words (ie give more or difference) and a couple of other things I can't remember offhand.

I'm going to start scribing his math at home and see what happens with his homework. I really do think his hands "lose" him in the output. He'll pop off the answer verbally then will write something different. It's strange.

We'll keep the community college in mind. We've a little ways to go to get there, but I know we will get there sooner than we'd expected 9 years ago tomorrow!! lol

Willa Gayle