I found some blank 5th grade Singapore Math books at the Goodwill of all places for $1 so I'm thinking I'll have her do that over the summer as well as the math facts games online. I wonder if there is a way to hide/remove the Timer on Big Brainz. She says there's not, so maybe I can figure out how to cover it up on the screen. Otherwise we'll go back to Xtra Math, but with that I have to hide the "tutors" that are right there on the screen...at least that's not hard to do.
It's frustrating watching her stare at a screen blankly when it's something like 3+2. Must be frustrating for her as well. Of course she knows what that is, but just doesn't seem to process the information or respond (not sure which one). I put her into occupational therapy and the therapist had her do IM therapy (interactive metronome) in an effort to boost processing speed/motor output, but after about 3 sessions stopped doing it because DD had it pretty much mastered. I was really surprised by that...why would that be simple for her but she can't process 3+2.