We are in a tiny rural district and so given the pace of Maths learning in such an environment we elected to let DD work with the SM books outside of the classroom and she finished level 5 over a year ago. This is a girl that told DW and I that 3^2 + 4^2 == 5^2 about 6 months into her 6th year after being shown how cool squares and square roots are.

Even with the skip from 2nd to 4th she is still testing at advanced proficient - she tested like that back in September so continues to get 90s with a sprinkling of hundreds.

We are blessed with a tremendous teacher that provides DD with 7-9 grade challenging problem to work with but she has chosen to sometimes just read her book which I am fine with.

Her VCI even without extended scoring is 150 versus a PRI of 145 without. We are letting the LA stuff lie for now as she has learned things like RACE this year.

Compared to a lot of kids whoseparents frequent this she is a dullard!

At home she completed Lure of the Labyrinth and seems ( after a transition to the more rigorous AoPS style) to be holding her own and will work through the pre-algebra book on her own now after the first 2 weeks.

What's my point?

This is not a brag but an illustration of an alternative that has worked up to now for my DD. this could all turn on a pinhead, of course LOL. I wouldn't get overly invested in just in school acceleration alone because for an outlier this may not yield the returns you might expect.


Last edited by madeinuk; 04/30/14 02:47 AM. Reason: Ipad autocomplete errors just noticed

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