I agree. As long as DD continues to want to go to school, we'll just have to deal with the teacher the best that we can. I was furious when I heard she was gossiping and being negative about DD to a parent, but am letting it go (for now). Probably what I'll do is request a conference with the new teacher in the fall after they have had a chance to get to know her, and hopefully they can give me unbiased opinions. Then depending on what they say I will have a better idea of what to ask for in an eval.
Part of the problem here may be that we greatly reduced DD's med dose around the time that the old teacher left (shortly before), so it could be that she has been almost completely unmedicated in the mornings if her patch is not kicked in for 3 hours. The old teacher had them read in the morning, which DD does fine with even if she is not medicated, but the new teacher has them come in and immediately sit down and do math or writing.