The key word there is "considerably."

We looked into what it would cost and the feasibility of DD attending UBC, Trinity Dublin, and a handful of other institutions. The major problem was that she cannot live on campus anywhere that she attends school, which (at 15yo) means having a parent living internationally WITH her... which means...

a work visa, or at the very least having the cash on hand.

Again, the problem then becomes one of sheer economics. It would have cost about the same for her to attend MIT as Trinity Dublin, once we added all of that together... and about the same as it would cost to attend UW or UBC, for that matter. It was all adding up to be right around 50-70K (USD) annually once living expenses got tallied in with tuition costs.

Maybe we just don't see it the way that many families do, but DH and I firmly believe that there are a VERY slim handful of institutions on earth that are worth THAT kind of premium. Sure, MIT is probably among them. But UBC? UW? Not so much.

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 04/04/14 08:25 AM. Reason: to add currency info

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.