
We went through Singapore 1B-3A in about 4 months last year, and DS7 (then 6) was sick of arithmetic and needing more conceptual math so that he didn't grow to hate math. For the end of the school year, we switched gears and used _Painless Geometry_ by Lynette Long. I've sung it's praises here before. It was a great move for DS!

It's not much into the proofs, but other than that it's "real" geometry (as opposed to the "this is a triangle" stuff that kids usually get before high school). I've found it to be simple, but not simplistic, and it's conceptual rather than "drill and kill." She adds what she calls "geometry experiments" that are hands-on and good for a young GT child. If there is a workbook, we're not using it, but there are brain-bender questions in the book that I've used to check his understanding. It's been a great success for us!

I'm not sure I'd use it as a sole textbook if you want your child to test out of high school geometry or something like that, but for an HG+ 7yo who is tired of arithmetic but not quite ready for algebra, it has been a great fit.


