Is the Kindy program full day or half day? If the program is half day, you may be better off getting access to the 1st grade pullout, doing K and afterschooling.

Whatever you do, once 'real' school starts, Insist, insist, insist on a pit of 'Dad-Homework' every school day from the very begining. You pick the topics, and I reccomend 2/3 time on his strengths - stuff that will make him drool and 1/3 on stuff that you see as his weaker points.

BTW - I love Handwriting without tears for handwriting practice. If he makes his letters small and adult sized, you can skip to the 5th grade printing book, otherwise, start with the early books. They don't cost much, and I really like the straightforwardness.

Anyway - don't let DS assume that he only need do what the teacher requests - expect him to work for you too! Even if it's 10 minutes a night Monday - Friday, get him used to the idea that this is what the big boys do. Then you will always be able to provide him with teaching at his 'readiness level' no matter what the school does.

Half day programs are nice because then the child isn't too pooped to learn when they get home. Hope I don't sound too cynical. If it's a full day program, you may as well get the early skip to 1st.

Whatever you decide -
Good luck,

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