Dear JBdad

Many schools can be somwhat dificult, even with proof. Most want to do well, but have a hard time understanding or beliving. K-school is mostly social. I can give some examples of our DS5 K program. 1/2 day, number and letter recognition to start. By end of year most read a little and some addition. The hard part for us was to understand that no matter how much the school tried to accomadate, our DS5 would always not fit in (academicly). We had to augment at home. The school placed our DS5 with a 2nd grade teacher for 15min each day for math, and although this was very nice, it really did little as far as teaching him. he did enjoy it though and liked going to the 2nd grade class. In reading they could do very little, so we read at home. In writting he coresponded with his k teacher, and started a journal. Also did some spelling work from 1st grade.
Testing will help for itentification, but many schools really just don't understand what it means. Or they belive that school is for social development and that is just as important to them as academic. The good thing is that you are aware and that you can advocate for your son. There are also some great ways you can augment at home. We do math at home from Singapour and have considererd John Hopkins on line program. next year we are going to a private school, but will still work with our DS at home.
I hope the school works with you. It takes time, they have to see it themselves first. We went to our public school before the start of the year with test scotes in hand and copies of his work, met with the principal,even the district GATE supervisor. But it wasn't untill the k-teacher noticed things that any acomadation was made. As a mattar of fact the K-teacher was not informed at all about the information we presented to the school and the district prior to our DS5 comming to school. In thier defense many very well meaning parents of bright children ask for acomadations in K or 1st before the year starts. These kids are bright and quick learners but not the same as HG+. The schools and the district are used to many parents advocating early and some Hot Housed kids also. They have to see it themselves first before they can try to accomadate, if they can accomadate.
