I wish you luck in the meeting - I have been a K teacher for the past 10+ years and I knew pretty soon on that K was going to be a joke for my son - he surpassed all K assessments that the county required and was also past most of the 1st grade ones as well - DS5 - he is 5 years 7 months and is due to start K in the Fall. He is a very tall boy and looks like he is 7 years old - he socializes best with children that are between 7-8 years old. We tried several months ago to meet with several people in our school board office because we knew that K was just not going to do anything for him...He has an IEP and even both of his Speech and OT teachers have all agreed that something needs to be done for him - the county office would not listen at all despite the fact we spoke and met with a variety of people. We wanted to get testing done - but the same issue - they don't test until K NO exceptions and even then they said they don't like to test in K and usually don't test until at least the end of 1st or 2nd....we then talked about either early entrance (going into K this year) or the possibility of a skip to a tk-1 classroom - we were informed that it was supposidly state law that children are not allowed to skip K and there were no exceptions.....so I then asked the question of what in the world were they going to do with a child who is reading and doing math on at least a 2nd grade level and he isn't even supposed to be in K for another few months...they told me that the teacher would do the best they could to try to meet my son's needs. Blah, blah, blah - yeah right - so we have opted out of public school for the time being. Lots of luck to you