"Regular Tactics", well, time outs, losing a toy,losing a fun activity, give a warning before applying discipline. The stuff you read about in parenting books, magazines etc. The tactics my friends talk about. It doesn't work. Seems he really could care less if a toy is taken away,sitting in time out doesn't bother him one bit, even taking away fun things to do doesn't seem to matter. He really just smirks when this type of discipline is applied...complete and utter disrespect.

"You aren't going to manipulate, scream, threaten, time out them into compliance.", been there, done that, and you are right Zen Scanner, it does NOTHING.

We talk to him when he is rational but even then, he will show disrespect at times. Roll his eyes etc. The other day I told him he needs to try to listen better. His response: "What is listen? What do you listen with? Your eyes? Some other body part?", said with a smirk.

I feel there is a fight over control between us. And it is a horrible feeling when it seems he is the one controlling the situation. He is that good. Sounds ridiculous, he is 6...but it is what it is, but I am not going to tolerate it. I just keep thinking, how will the dynamic be when he is 10, 14???

We have to put a stop to this.

Zen Scanner, he also has undivided attention every night which he loves. What do you have him do on the days he lost out on it due to unacceptable behavior?

He was supposed to get to go on an overnight trip today with his dad. The condition was for him to behave the past few days. He hasn't. This morning he asked "Did I earn it?" I asked him if he thought he did. He responded "No, not really" I said we agreed. So at least he KNOWS when the behavior is not good.

Last edited by 1111; 03/25/14 10:27 AM.