Originally Posted by polarbear
SynapticStorm, I have a 9 yr old dd who, although not PG, is profoundly intensely independent and fights authority from parents etc, seeing it as unreasonable and unfair. Although she is not an autodidact across-the-board she is possibly profoundly gifted in her ability to size up how to manipulate a situation with parents to simply make it seemingly impossible to deal with her smile

So... fwiw, my advice isn't worth much as this is something we have struggled with for years and continue to struggle with in parenting her, but these are the things that have helped some:

This is very helpful. Thank you, polarbear.

It's a great relief to know that others face similar challenges.

Last summer, we talked about each member of our extended family and DS8 identified expertise that each of them had from which he could learn. I think it was a good exercise and appeared to build respect for these individuals and others in general.

Perhaps I can try something similar, but cover more common adult vs. child skills.

It's hard for him to accept that experience alone makes someone a better decision maker. He has seen sufficient evidence in his life to know that isn't the case.

The lesson he hasn't yet learned is that everyone has strengths and he can learn to identify and respect those strengths. This will make it easier to respect and follow the lead of others and will also allow him to organize and lead effectively himself.

Last edited by SynapticStorm; 03/15/14 04:37 PM. Reason: minor typo

DS10 (DYS, homeschooled)
DD8 (DYS, homeschooled)