Originally Posted by Ania
Had to laugh GG, you just described how my son talks :-) He is much older (amlost 12) but still haven't lost that talent for making everything sound so complicated:-)
Oh Ania, if our sons ever met... can you imagine the interesting conversations they could have?!

Originally Posted by Ania
Sometimes, when I am absolutely not in the mood to listen, I just tell him to tell me the last sentence.
Nodding here... yup, I do the same sometimes. Generally I try to be patient and let him talk, but at times I do say (during his little gasps for air) "can you skip to the end?" or "I don't have much time; just tell me the most important part." I try to avoid yelling GET TO THE POINT! though I do think it in my head sometimes. :-)

Originally Posted by Ania
Does you son talk VERY fast? Does he occasionally "skip" the verbal explanation to catch up with his thinking and then he has you lost completely?

No, I guess our boys differ there. On these long stories, mine talks at a normal to slow pace (unless he's really excited about something) and he says things with great emotion and facial expression, and sometimes acting out what he's describing. I haven't noticed the other thing you mentioned either (skipping the explanation).

Re: swimming & breathing, he's still a little scared of the water. Getting better, but doesn't do real "swimming" yet. But I'm thinking this summer might be time for swim lessons.