Thanks for all the additional perspectives. I appreciate it.

I spoke with our consultant yesterday and this morning drafted an email for him to review. I wrote it from the point of view that we need to be sure we are all working from the same set of facts since the information I have been receiving from the school staff seems to differ from what the consultant reports. I asked for the list of dates I mentioned earlier and added that if she is losing ground or exhibiting socially inappropriate behavior this would raise serious concerns about the placement as these behaviors have not been observed or reported in any outside setting. I asked outright if the district had been violating state law by administering the meds or if somehow the school was "confused" and district could help them clarify.

I reserved the right to have our consultant and DD's pysch do observations. I pointed out that if the information we have been provided on these areas seems to differ so much that the great reports we have received on her areas of weakness and AT also become suspect. If it turns out this report is inaccurate we will request another outside evaluation by a person of our choice.

We'll see what our consultant says before I send it off to the district.