{{hugs}} Pemberley. I haven't read your full post-- just the first few sentences, but I get the sense that hugs are DEFINITELY in order.

UGh-- yes, I can see why you're left reeling by the sudden about-face from the teacher.

I think that you probably should send a message to the teacher that you regard this as a Very Serious Matter, and that you are Deeply Confused by her sudden turn-around in rhetoric.

Conference. NOT an IEP meeting-- a conference. With the teacher.

If she tries to pull others into that conference, I'd act PUZZLED, since you're trying to understand something that seems to be about nothing more than the teacher's observations and you're just trying to Re-establish Clear Communication.

You know, since you've been confused lately. (And wow, who wouldn't be??)

Then, in person, in a heart-to-heart conversation, let the teacher know that you ARE honestly confused, and worried that your child is starting to experience signs of distress. What has the teacher noticed happening that might explain this??

My hope is that if you try de-escalation like that with the teacher, she might level with you about who is pressuring her and from what direction.

Then you have a path forward. As I see it, you don't at the moment, because while clearly someone has been tinkering behind the scenes, you don't know exactly who or how.

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 02/16/14 11:23 AM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.