Thanks everyone. I was a bit disheartened that no one had a more optimistic viewpoint. I was kind of hoping for responses that would point out positives I was missing. Big sigh... I'm trying to focus on how well they are remediating her deficits and the progress being made on the AT front but these other things are really, REALLY big problems.

OK now to get practical in addressing what's going on. I have to check with our consultant but thanks to you all I have a plan formulated in my head. That helped me avoid a totally sleepless night.

I am thinking that if they want everything to involve the district and if the district wants this report to document that they are meeting her 2E needs I should use that to my advantage. I am going to request data. Lots of data - lots of specific data. I am going to tell the district that we need to see specific dates that EVERYTHING occurred, Yes as you suggested the date these audio books were actually loaded onto the teacher's computer. In fact I want to know the date and time. This 8th grade reading text is an anthology. I want to know exactly how DD was presented every flipping piece of it from day one. Was she presented with this reading outside of class time? Did she listen to an audio version? If so on what date? In what format? Where? Overseen by whom? Using earphones or listening to it over speakers? Was it read aloud to her? If so by whom? Where? When? If she heard it only read aloud during class time was the student with unintelligible speech one of the readers? Was she provided a printed copy to follow? If so was it a large print clear copy? Exactly which readings was it that they gave her a small/blurry copy? Etc, etc, etc.

For this missing enrichment piece (I think I forgot to mention that we were "mistaken" about this too. The new plan to present her with daily enrichment during Resource Period was presented by the outside consultant as what had been going on all along...) I want to know week by week from the beginning of the year exactly which days DD received this 1:1 enrichment, what they did, on what topic, etc. It had been scheduled for a specific day and time each week so if shouldn't be *too* onerous to go back and reconstruct all of this - right? I mean I'm sure that all of this information must be in the teachers records. Yeah and this stuff about the 5/6th grade reading group. Our understanding is the reason she was in the 8th grade group rather than a high school level group is the school's intake testing showed that to be appropriate for her comprehension level (although below neuropsych levels). Surely they don't mean to be implying that her gifted side has actually lost ground do they? I mean, ya know, without the audio books and proper supports in place for that class...

And with the migraines and refusal to administer meds without talking to me or DH because of state law - Wow district - we are confused. Does this mean that every time your nurse administered ibuprofen in accordance with the doctor's orders on file YOU were violating state law???? For two full years???? Gosh I hope not! Please provide us a copy of the state law school is referring to! Oh you mean you weren't violating the law? Really??? Oh the school must be confused huh? Maybe you can help explain to them how/why they must be misinterpreting. DH wants to keep DD out unless/until we get this addressed. Luckily she is off this week for February break and has an appointment with the neurologist the first day back.

So what do you think? More I can/should add? Any other ideas?