Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Originally Posted by mithawk
Originally Posted by Quantum2003
Even my DD, who is not mathematically talented, is consistently at above 99th percentile. She is just not at the extreme like her brother or even her mother.

Am I the only one who found it amusing that "not mathematically talented" and "above 99th percentile" were in the same sentence?

No-- I also found it amusing that "talented" was equated to "autodidactic" in the same post.

I was not aware that those things were necessarily synonymous. smile

Actually, in my universe "talented" and "autodidactic" have different definitions and therefore are NOT "necessarily synonymous". However, based on my limited personal experience, those who are autodidactic in a particular area tend to have some measure of talent in that area. For example, DD is rather autodidactic with artistic endeavors and does have some talent with those endeavors. Accordingly, "autodidactic" is one of many variables I consider. However, that does not mean a particular individual who needs spoon-feeding can't have talent.