Bostonian, did you read the full study?
The full study is not publicly available, so I am commenting on the write-up.
Your objections don't make very much sense in light of their methods. Their point wasn't, "Girls are bad at chess; it must be because of stereotype threat." Their point was, "Girls at certain ages and in certain situations lose to boys at higher than expected rates, statistically--perhaps due to stereotype threat." As I noted earlier, the oldest girls appeared to be somewhat immune to ST, which is interesting. The girls who were most susceptible were younger and were playing older, more highly rated boys (a situation that could be especially intimidating).

Also, if girls are naturally worse at chess and that's why they don't play as much or win as much, I wonder how you explain the fact that there are many more girls playing chess in the younger grades than later on? Do girls get more and more "chess stupid" as they age?

Maybe, relative to boys, they do. Girls and boys are more different at age 15 than 5, and the greater differential in running speed at age 15 is not due primarily to socialization. I think it is plausible that puberty increases intellectual differences between the sexes.

What about your daughter, who plays chess, correct? (And is pretty good at it, IIRC.) It would be hard to know that your dad expects less of you due to your chromosomes.

I can be strategically agnostic, replying "I don't know for sure" if she ever asks why most of the best players are male.

When my own daughter tells me that she does not want to be in chess club any more because it's too boy-identified--and I know that she is good and would be an asset to the club--it's pretty hard for me to think there aren't a lot of other girls in the same shoes.

Couldn't avoiding an activity that you would otherwise enjoy because there are too many boys (or girls) doing it be considered sexist? Our local chess club is majority Chinese, with some Indians and fewer whites (most of whom have Russian parents). If someone avoids the chess club because they don't like the ethnic mix, that's their problem, not the club's.