I did turn out fine, if rather human (i.e., I'm not perfect!). :-) From an achievements standpoint, two degrees (one from a top five program in my field), good job with a Fortune 100 company, great husband, two fine kids, etc.

Reading helped me decompress in a nicer way. It made my mom, at least, anxious that I was reading all the time, rather than being out playing, etc. I have many introverted traits, so I suspect that I really was letting off steam at home. BTW, I did help out around the house (really enjoyed doing laundry and baking, so I got to do all of that, pretty much, starting at about age 10). Having a bit more quiet space to unwind might have helped me. We were in a fairly small house and I have younger siblings. When I was in h.s., I set up part of the basement as "my" area and that helped. I also danced competitively, which was a good outlet, although I did complain about/resist practicing... Good luck!

Last edited by ConnectingDots; 02/10/14 09:02 AM.