OMG yes. My oldest was a challenge from day 3 and while some of it can be attributed to first time parenting cluelessness most of it was his INTENSITY and a variety of issues that took a while to figure out (some medical early on now mostly gifted quirks). Daycare was a disaster and school has been a rolller-coaster. This year we're ok but I suspect it is only because of an amazing teacher so who knows what next year brings.

DD on the other hand is a teacher's dream. She doesn't seem to have the same 2e issues, loves to please people and loves the kids in her class. Usually her only complaint is that they don't give homework in kindergarten (she often begs to do DS's grade 2 work so I just make copies and she's happy as can be). Kindergarten here is very play based so I suspect we'll run into boredom issues next year but for now I'm enjoying the calm since I know there likely will be another storm soon for one of them.