Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
This is my DD to a tee.

DH and I have finally figured out that the world is divided into two distinct groups of people for my DD-- those IN her circle, and those outside of it.

She is quite slow to show people the "real" DD underneath the "perfect" exterior. Well, it's not that she's "perfect" exactly (she still mostly does as she pleases, and ignores what she doesn't like, but she's very quiet about it and seemingly angelic/placid/agreeable the whole time). People outside that circle LOVE her and think she's the cat's pajamas, and only rarely notice the flaws, or discontinuities in the scenery, so to speak. They also tend not to really understand how gifted she is. She shows them exactly what they need/want to see.

It's only with those inside that circle of truth (who she lets in) that see the ravening beast that she can turn into when thwarted, and who get treated to her mouthiness and verbal precosity. LOL. Boy, are THEY surprised...

We call this "{DD}'s Inner Circle. Think Dante."


I also have a vague sense that many adults who have made that transition with her tend to have an impulse to apologize to DH and I for their earlier judgments about us and our parenting. wink

This describes one of my sons exactly. Sometimes when I am talking with his teachers I feel as if I am discussing someone else's son, because DS just doesn't have the same personality at school as he does at home. It is not even close. Last year at the first parent/teacher conference I actually interrupted the teacher to make sure that she was talking about DS and not one of his peers because it didn't sound like him at all. The quiet, shy, calm child described by his teachers bears almost no resemblance to the loud, boisterous, wildly energetic child who lives with me- LOL. wink

Last edited by momoftwins; 02/06/14 09:57 AM.