So, we have been trying to advocate for our ds6 for the last 1 1/2 years. It hasn't gone very well.

We thought after we got him privately tested, the school would be willing to give ds what he needs- not so much. He is "reviewed for gt", but we're guessing he did not qualify. We will find out in the next week. (They are refusing to use outside testing, and Cogat wasn't good enough. He needs to qualify in 3 areas. He is 99% in achievement and has teacher recommendation.) It's very frustrating.

My dh wants to appeal. I do not. We met with the tester for advice. She said our district HAS accepted her scores in the past- annoying. She also didn't recommend appealing. She did say, we'd win; but at what cost? Is that worth it to us financially and emotionally. We also have a younger ds. Not only all that, but what if its STILL not enough? (Which I'm guessing will be the case.)

Of course there is an amazing gt school close by, but the cost would be a financial struggle (or I'd have to work full-time). I am confident about wanting to homeschool, atleast till middle school. Also, it is the least worst option for our entire family. Dh doesn't think homeschool is the right choice for social reasons. What I've tried to explain to dh is ds has no friends at school, doesn't want a play date, doesn't want a party. School isn't providing what he needs socially either.

I realize I am just venting. I just wish school was different for my ds. I wish my dh was onboard with homeschool. I really just wish every single day that ds was happy- or atleast happier.

Thanks for listening:)