My 6 year old DS actually comes across as delayed, and he IS delayed with various things. But his GAI is 133 (probably actually higher but he was tested right after a traumatic brain injury). He is twice exceptional though with developmental coordination disorder. No one who knows him casually would ever guess what his IQ is. They would probably say he is average or below average. People are shocked when they see what he can really do (like long division). I always thought he was "bright" and had some odd splinter skills or savant abilities, but I was very surprised by his perceptual reasoning score over 140--I didn't have a clue. So--you never know. What you consider bright might actually be in the top couple percentile.
My DS's uncle (on my Dh's side) had almost exactly the same issues that DS is having--he sounds like he was dygraphic and might have had DCD. He even got an IEP for it. I definitely think there's something genetic going on in some families.