We had asked about subject acceleration for DS7, but got no answer. Then we got called to this meeting next week, without explanation. So we can at least guess that acceleration is to be discussed.

Well, my guess is also that this is what this is about.

Most virtual schools are not terribly rigid about scheduling or synchronous learning/pacing in the EARLY grades, but may become moreso in later grades-- or with GT program offerings where students are in more inquiry-led coursework with classmates (that would actually be a GOOD thing, btw).

We had a big powwow kind of meeting with a bunch of different players when we affected my DD's skip at the end (?) of 5th. It wasn't that big a deal-- DH and I were the ones who were on the fence, actually-- everyone else was emphatically on the side of acceleration. LOL.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.