Has anyone tried a weighted pencil or pencil weight? I'm wondering if that would help.

In response to someone's question, DS has been in and out of private OT/PT for hypotonia and DCD. No one has ever mentioned dysgraphia but the OT won't diagnose anything. In both OT and PT they work on a lot of core strength building, saying that that upper body core strength will help with fine motor, although the OT also does some things specific to his hands, like writing or manipulating objects. At one point DS did metronome therapy. The OT and PT both make DS do wheelbarrow walking, sit-ups, crab-walking, but in PT they also do hopping, skipping, jumping, walking on a balance beam, some throwing and catching balls or other objects. OTs can work on throwing/catching as well and they seem to prefer having OTs work with anything that has to do with the hands.

OT's and PT's can evaluate and treat for fine/gross motor issues but can't give a diagnosis, like DCD (and probably dysgraphia as well). Even when we didn't have the neuropsych diagnosis they still treated him and just coded it as muscle weakness and lack of coordination. Since he scores under the 10th percentile, our med. insurance pays for therapy, but they only approve therapy for a certain length of time, like 6 months or 1 year.