I have EDS on my mind today since DS has his appointment with the geneticist this afternoon.

I am wondering about EDS and dysgraphia.

My son has been in OT for eighteen months. Proprioception is still really bad. I have read that EDSers often have proprioception defecits. As I recall, the theory is that EDSers get inconsistent feedback from their joints. I am wondering if in the same way an EDSer doesn't automatically know their body position if an EDSer might not gain automacy in handwriting because the connection between how it feels to write an "a" and the idea to write an "a" is muddled.

I have also read that increased supportive muscle strength can help stabilize joints and improve proprioception. Of course normal weight training would not be appropriate for a child with EDS but maybe something with high reps., limited range of motion and low weight might help.

Now I could be wrong on this, but in my opinion, the gains a prepubescent child would have in supportive muscle from such a routine would be minimal. It might just be something that comes with time.

My mom says I was "embarrassingly uncoordinated" as a child. I remember being frustrated with my handwriting in elementary. It always looked sloppy like the trouble maker boys in my class. These issues went away with puberty. I still write more slowly than other people and I am not particularly graceful but it isn't as obvious as when I was a kid.

Anyway, I am just rambling. I don't have any recs. on dysgraphia remediation. I have just been looking at this stuff since the standard proprioception remediation isn't working for my son.