Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by Zen Scanner
The best thing I did for myself and writing is dropping lower case letters some time in HS. The upper case letter forms are much easier to remember and distinguish versus the mass of same basic instruction lower case. Seriously: a, b, d, p, q, g,(sometimes also h, r, j, e, c get squashed in); line and a curve, got it. Where do you start the circle, do you do the line before the circle, is it always a circle or is it sometimes more of a c? can I retrace the lines or do I have to pick-up the pencil each time?... etc.

This is a really interesting tip

yes it is... My DS has this issue and he writes in a combination of upper and lower case becasue of it. I was giving him a hard time about it but I think I'll stop now. smile