My son is not diagnosed dysgraphic, but he has a terribly hard time with 9's and P's. I am suspecting dysgraphia (not just for the 9's and P's, but also for handwriting mechanics as spaces between words, capitalizing the first letter at the beginning of a sentence etc). His handwriting is legible (to me), but seems below average when compared to some of the kids in his class. I do make him practice every day for 15 minutes.

I've taught him to proofread, before submitting the work to me/his teachers. He is an excellent reader, however, he sometimes does not catch the backward Ps (he always catches the backward 9s though). Is this par for the course ? The other thing that worries me a lot is that he routinely gets his right and left mixed up. He knows it when he has time, but in a gym-like setting, he says he cannot think ! We moved a couple of months back, and I am wondering whether it makes sense for an OT eval or a neuro-psych eval. Irena, sorry for adding questions to your thread -- this has been worrying me a lot, and I never seem to find the time these days to log in and post.