I like Mavis Beacon for ages 8 and up. There are lots and lots of ways to customise the "look and feel" of the program. I had to resort to bribery to get DS10 to do it, but boy-oh-boy has it payed off. It's one of the ways that drives home to everyone at the new school that he really is "different."

For the record, his public school, which was a wonderful place, just not for him, started the kids with proper keyboarding in first grade and returned to it every year for a few months in their computer class. It wouldn't have been enough, I think most of the typing was learned at home, but it was wonderful endorsement.

Can you imagine a 10 year old in a blazer and tie typing 90 words per minute with his head turning like a spinning top looking everywhere except at his fingers or the screen? This was discribed to me by one of DS10's teacher's. I wish I had been a fly on that wall!


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