Well, I heard from the director of the school. The district plans to send their AT person out in the middle of October! This was presented as good news. How on earth can they think it is appropriate to actively prevent this child from having access to what she needs for a month??? Especially after everything that has gone on. Unbelievable!

The school has forwarded a list of apps they are requesting and maybe - just maybe mind you - the district will agree to load them. After that decision comes the determination of just HOW they would go about getting them loaded. It's truly crazy.

So we spoke to the attorney about providing it ourselves. He said its akin to seeking a unilateral out of district placement. We can do it and then seek reimbursement plus any needed compensatory services to make up for the time she's losing. (Because you know losing ALL of last year wasn't enough...) To do this, though, we have to put them on notice in writing. I just sent an email saying that we consider them in violation of the IEP and that unless she has either a properly loaded iPad or the school is given the necessary passwords and authorizations to load it themselves we will purchase a new one ourselves, load it according to the specifications of the AT evaluation and seek reimbursement. We gave them a day next week to get this done by.

I also added in there that DD has been having debilitating migraines daily and this situation in exacerbating her anxiety. I guess we'll see what happens...

ETA: You know it would have been different if we had been told about all of this and allowed to decide what we wanted to do. How much trouble would it have been to say "We are happy to provide the iPad but because of district policy there will be a delay in getting it loaded with what she needs. You may want to consider if you prefer to provide it yourselves so you have sole discretion about what she has loaded." Then we could have decided. We could have bought one over the summer for her to practice/play on and then had the school load on whatever they felt was necessary once she enrolled. That simple courtesy would have made all the difference in the world. But then again this is the same district that allowed that horrible principal to behave the way she did for as long as she did. I guess I shouldn't expect anything more from them...

Last edited by Pemberley; 09/26/13 01:07 PM.