MY DD freaked out my OB doc during my c/section delivery. DD squealed a little as she was pulled out then stopped, stared very intently at the OB doctor and smacked her lips a few times while watching her. For at least a year she was unusually excited when we saw any young Asian woman (like my OB doc) and I started to wonder if she imprinted on her smile

DD first freaked me out when I set her down in her crib at about 2 months and walked away and she yelled out "MOM". I almost fell on the floor but dismissed it as crazy sleepless mother illusions. She did it quite a few times in the same context though until she started using it with very obvious and specific intent at 5-6 months.

Anyway, thats all totally off topic rambling. I don't really think gross motor milestones have much meaning. My DD was ahead on some and behind on others and will never be a star athlete unless perhaps in swimming or something like that.