i'll second the motivation thing - our little nutjob rolled over on her 2nd day of life, sat up unassisted somewhere around 4 mos and walked on the first day she ever stood (7 mos). she has always been massively cranky right before a big physical/mental leap - and then would calm down as soon as she mastered whatever it was. for a long time, i thought she was just seriously Type A.

and this is the flakiest, so take it with a grain of salt. i am self-employed - so as i got closer to my due date, i told my clients i'd be available until Feb 1 for regular work, and then day-to-day for quick turnaround jobs only after that. the entire pregnancy i kept saying "not till Feb 1, ok, buddy?" out loud - to my belly. the evening of Feb 1, i shut down my computer at 9pm, made myself dinner and tucked myself in bed. 5 minutes later, i was in labour.

i know it's probably just a very big coincidence - but sometimes it is very hard not to look back on everything and think that she might have been able to understand language, even before birth. i do rather yammer on a lot, as y'all probably know!

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.