I believe the best advocacy is having a clear picture about what you'd like the end result to be. Sometimes we have problems with this because we're not trained educators so we look to them for advice, but I think when it comes down to it, educators or not, we know what's best for our kids. Whining and complaining is ineffective. Having documentation, solutions in hand, etc. helps. Some things take time to change.

I read that Colorado's governor signed a bill allowing high ability 4 yrs olds to go to K and high ability 5 yrs olds to go to 1st grade. That's so wonderful! It makes me wonder how many cases had to come up to make it happen.

I think the other tactic I'm beginning to embrace is--just do it (thanks, Nike). I want DS 11 and DS 9 to take Alg 2 next year. The school has really put time & energy into trying to get this going, but I doubt it's going to happen. So I plan to just do it, whether it's at the college, online, whatever.