Val wrote:

"The idea that other kids "catch up" to gifted students eventually is a major fallacy in education circles. While I expect that some catching up does occur, it's because the bright kids are HELD BACK, not because the others start to go faster. Bright kids don't run out of cognitive steam when they're 7."

Exactly what I was thinking. I think this is true even of the bright kids. The kids who start out ahead b/c they are bright, are held back until the others catch up. I think for GT kids this can also occur - the love of learning is beat out of them and they begin to look like everyone else. I read a post once that said something like "I sent my very bright kid to PS and got back an average kid."

My Aunt who is a teacher said the ONE thing she hates most about her job (not poor pay) is having to tell all the parents that their children are not gifted. I've heard this from my other teacher friends as well. I just keep my mouth shut.

I too wonder if my son will even out by 3rd grade from not being challenged in school. The other kids are catching up skill-wise but I still think there are pace issues for DS. Getting all the testing done just seems to take so long and I wonder about getting achievement testing done now given he's not made much progress this year in school. I doubt achievement testing now would accurately reflect him.