Yeah, cdfox, I'm thinking it's all of the above. I have a great routined setup for him- the same activities on the same day at the same time. I'm so happy my youngest is so easy going lol, I couldn't handle two routined kids!

I use natural consequences as "punishment". However, while the NC of not brushing your teeth is that your teeth fall out, I can't allow that to happen. He is aware of what will happen, and not just the extremes, but the other things such as cavities, etc. The sheer thought of cold icecream being too painful to eat is enough of an incentive to get him to actually brush, but not without the five minute debate beforehand (at least it's decreased from 30 minutes).

One difference in his life, that I have remembered, was the news recently that I won't be able to afford his maths/English lessons as of next year. He was pretty devastated by that. But I don't think that would cause this- I have no idea.

I think it would be more convenient if I just rob a bank and paid for him to have 24 hour maths lessons. (Just kidding...or am I...)

And there's more to it than the age-old teeth brushing kid stuff. Like the totally amazing debating skills that he has lol. He has an argument for everything. Which is good, in a way. I have taught him to question things, and to not just believe what someone says, but to find out for yourself. I guess it's all my fault LOL.