Thanks, HappilyMom. It wasn't something I considered, as Ireally don't think he is. He is very motivated, and monotonous even with boring tasks. He always has his homework done the day he receives it without me asking him to do it.

I feel bad for even getting frustrated, and it probably isn't fair to him because he is so well behaved. I guess, as I wrote before it's because he isn't as well behaved as he was. When I see other kids his age, I am very grateful lol. I'm just not sure if my expectations are outrageous as I am not around kids, often. I hardly see my friends' kids, so I don't have comparisons.

I don't know if this is a gifted issue or not. It probably is not. Sometimes I just don't know how to handle it, but that's more to do with my poor handling of things. I feel bad for even posting this question now!