Originally Posted by squishys
Does he need forced downtime? Ugh, it's hard being a parent lol.

we definitely had to institute "forced downtime" for DD - or we would have gone round the twist. smile we started quite slowly, though - and she was very resistant at first.

the other thing we do have, that i forgot to mention is a series of mason jars on the mantelpiece.

The little jar of "hate" - 5 cents for each use of the word
The little jar of screams - 5 cents per scream
The enormous jar of solutions - we record it, every time she comes up with a solution vs. a complaint. we read the little scraps of paper out as a family on new year's eve to wrap up the year - it's fun!

and actually, this method really worked on the "hate" thing - i think there's only about 30 ¢ in there. it's a bit slower-going on the screams, though, but there's definitely progress. she's at the point where i can just say, "jar!" and she'll clap her hands over her mouth. ha - we probably need a jar of door-slams and one for foot-stomping, too.

and i totally agree, squishys - it's hard when there's no one to talk to about this stuff. you know they're SO capable, but what's appropriate for our little ones is so out of step with the rest of the world at times. and if i had a nickel for every time i heard, "but she's only 1/2/3/4/5... i would need more than a mason jar to keep it in!

i think it boils down to you knowing your little dude best. if you think he can do better - i'd be willing to bet you're right! smile

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.