Very interesting reading. I'm not sure I have much intelligent to add, but my 2 yr old has had a long mess of ear, hearing, and language concerns beginning before she was a year old (3 ear surgs, 6 hearing tests so far, 1 EI eval, sigh) and she's ok "enough" that she hasn't qualified for any services or help but it really freaks me out a little overall. We have a great and caring med team, a friend who is in EI, and so it's not a lack of access, but...

I keep wondering when I can get someone to say, ok, NOW we can help her out, she meets XYZ criteria.

She is very talkative now and quite bright, but a whole lot of what she says is garbled, and she has done the repeating thing for a LONG time. Half the time now it's "Huh?", the other half it is two words of what we just said, seemingly confirming or asking us to explain something. This feels like a huge improvement (versus only repeating). I've also read that repeating can persist up until around age 3, and since she has slowly been making verbal forward progress, I'm trying to be patient...

Last edited by sunday_driver; 06/27/13 09:11 PM.