DD toe-walked until VERY late (she was still doing this occasionally at 4-6yo), and also went through an echolalia-like phase.

It was very disconcerting. Anytime DD says something... er... odd, for lack of a better word, just... something that isn't in HER voice, if that makes sense...

I know to ask "Where did that come from?" Now, she's self-aware enough to tell me. Not so much when she was 2 or 3, though. She would use whole chunks of language (phrases, sentences, or even more) contextually-appropriately, but I could often identify where she got them from. (Books, TV shows, conversation, the radio, etc.)

I don't think that other people noticed it as much; even DH doesn't pick up on it the way that I do. I'm more sensitive to 'voice' in spoken and written communication than most people, though-- this has been quite a handy thing in ferreting out plagiarism over the years, I must say. Because she used them appropriately, it was like a super-charged version of language acquisition operating on the context model, not true echolalia.

It's possible that this behavior (which DD also did for a time) is more about "did I hear you correctly?" and not something else. This only made sense to me when DD was older and we realized just how impaired her hearing was when she was <2.5 yo and had basically continuous ear infections and congestion. No wonder she was using what in an adult would be considered "mirroring," and seeking confirmation that we were understanding one another!!

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.