DS8 was similar - not a word until within a day or so of his second birthday (so, not super late) and started speaking by handing me alphabet blocks and naming the letters. He then progressed rapidly to full sentences (he made up for his previous lack of babbling smile ) A few months later he went through a phase that was very echolalia-like... so much so that I was googling it daily for about a week. He then outgrew it. He's 8 now, with pretty typical speech. Autism has been ruled out, although he does have a dx of ADHD, and interestingly, a language processing disorder.

Originally Posted by Jolaine83
He actually had enough improvement that we went from looking into extra special ed help when he aged out of his current services to him graduating the program overall, just like that.

This happened with DD10 smile She also spoke a bit late. She was just like her brother - not a word until 24 months. Since she was our first and we weren't sure what we were dealing with, we sought help and she was put in a Hanen program and seen by a speech pathologist. A month or so later, she was speaking full sentences. It was almost as if prior to that she was silently studying us, and then when she was ready, she decided to speak. No echolalia from her - definitely from her brother though.

Last edited by CCN; 03/01/13 05:47 PM.