Hey everybody,

DS-3 is very intelligent, but he was language delayed with few to no words until a word explosion at about 2.75 years (he just turned 3 this week, so this was just a few months ago). He went from a few words when encouraged to full 3-4 word sentences within 4 weeks. He actually had enough improvement that we went from looking into extra special ed help when he aged out of his current services to him graduating the program overall, just like that.

But now I'm wondering if we are having issues, if this is a tick of sorts or if this is just his way of showing his understanding of what I'm saying. Just about everything I tell him, he echos. If I say 'it's time to go to snack', he'll repeat 'go snack?' Or if I say, 'we have storytime today', he'll repeat 'storytime today?' He speaks in full sentences otherwise but this is a constant throughout the day.

Anyone else deal with this?

I'm fairly new to this idea that he is quite possibly gifted. He is showing abilities about a year to year and half older than he is, if that makes sense. I just can't tell if this is a quirk, an issue related to his previous language issues or his new way to process information back to me.