Good point, CFK.

I did concede that there are countless things which I absolutely do NOT know here:

It's one thing if the child is the one in a hurry-- many, many HG+ children are like that. For all I know, this is the case in the Harding clan.

Eventually I figured out what rubbed me so much the wrong way about it, though-- it wasn't that this particular family has sent their own kids to college at very young ages. It's that they seem to be advocating that this is a perfectly legitimate thing for parents to decide to DO to their kids, and oh look, I conveniently happen to be selling the tools to make it happen.

Strikes me as cashing in at least a little, and a bit disingenuous at best. I certainly wouldn't dream that parenting a HG+ child entitles me to write a book about how to homeschool such children, nevermind homeschooling MG children (which I truthfully know very little about).

So that is the part that bugged me about it. It came off as a bit infomercial-ish.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.