We are choosing our child's opportunity costs for her, basically.

So sure, she COULD go to college at ten. (And really, ours could have-- at least at the local community college.)

OR... she could slog through high school (building similarity with nearly everyone else she'll encounter in college and after) at a pace that is tolerable (not ideal), and enter a higher-level collegiate environment when she is five years older.

Putting her in college as soon as she is academically ready was never a goal in our minds.

We certainly didn't set out to GROOM her for that outcome. My goodness. I think this is a terrible reason for homeschooling, myself (and yes, I've seen a tiny handful of people who do precisely that in order to place 16yo in community colleges or regional public colleges).

It's one thing if it is child-led. It's quite another if it is push-parenting.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.