DS7 can still get teary eyed about it being harder for him, or not wanting to do it. And I have to say the fact that his teacher and OT work together is SOOO helpful - for homework it's up to him whether to write or type - he types the writing type assignments and writes the math, although even that can lead to melt downs as he can't get past curving his writing around the edge of the page rather than starting on a new line when he get to the end - it's like he needs a typewriter return!!!

But what I have found has distracted him or matured his attitude is being able to apply his analytical and science strengths to try to understand what happens - so language has really helped. He describes it as seeing it correctly in his brain but that when it comes out his hand something is missing, like some of the letters take a different route and don't always get there!

It is such a process -and Lori I am with you - I regret so much ever having pressed him to just work harder at it - and to do your best - when his best was such a struggle.
