On the subject of librarians...

I have posted at length about our awful principal and the fact that she never spent even one day as a classroom teacher. (She had a corporate background when she earned an MLS and became an elementary school librarian. 4 years later she became a principal.) I have several friends who worked with her during her short tenure as a librarian and all report it was a nightmare. One reports working with a TAG student on a project and he finished the book he was working with. She gave him a pass and sent him to the library to get another so they could keep going on the next stage of the project. A few minutes later he came back, trembling and ghost white. Apparently when he entered the library - with a pass in order to check out a book for an extra project he was working on for the TAG program - she apparently threw a total hissy fit. Yelling at him that he had no right to enter "her" library at any time other than the one period a week his class came. Heaven forbid that a smart, well behaved child might actually want to learn something extra...

Sorry I couldn't resist. Hijack over...