Originally Posted by Portia
DS6 attends a private school whose motto is specifically "we meet your child wherever they are". We were told if we could make this school happen, to make it happen. They talk a good talk about individual assessments and plans.

this is our experience, too. during every part of the admissions process our private school talked about "bespoke education" and "inquiry-based learning", but it was all talk. as it turns out, they're only happy to meet children "where they are" if "where they are" is smack in the middle of the curve.

i spent about 6 months of the year feeling like they were gaslighting me (she's perfectly average/ you're a helicopter parent and it's your fault she's dying inside) until we saw a psychologist, who took one look at DD5 and said, "uh... she's most likely PG - don't send her back there in the fall if they won't acknowledge that she needs more." and then i came here - huzzah!

however, all of this taught me an AWESOME technique for school interviews - simply lay out all the issues, and see how fast they run away. even though she's just another kid to squeeze into a classroom, our new local public school principal cracked a big smile and said, "oh we LOVE kids like that here; here's my plan..."

so i'll take crowded & prepared over dishonest & self-satisfied any day of the week. i think it all boils down to who is willing to keep the dialogue going, you know?

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.