Originally Posted by madeinuk
Don't get hung up on the IQ score. The 'optimal' IQ is supposedly just South of 'gifted' anyway.

I've heard this too.

So why is this?

Speaking for myself, I was never matched with the right curriculum at an early age and a number of things happened. My perfectionism developed (never had to struggle through adversity), I became socially ostracized (nobody likes that weirdly smart kid that the teachers fuss over), boredom and restlessness led to anger, my extremely sensitive nature caused me to react strongly to things that others didn't, like justice and cruelty, etc. I was like an alien... always either on the verge of tears or completely numb. It was awful. I just couldn't identify with the other kids. By the time I reached high school I absolutely hated public education and I wanted nothing more to do with it.

That's just my story... maybe there are others here who can chime in with reasons why the "non-gifted" (assuming you really are that, and your test scores weren't wrong, because that can happen too) can out-achieve the ones who test higher.

Someone with a lower IQ might not be as mismatched at a young age and get off to a better start, for one.

There are other qualities that accompany giftedness that can really throw a wrench into things, like obsession with details, intensity, anxiety, sensory issues that cause concentration problems, social awkwardness, etc etc.

Jenny it seems ridiculously unfair that you can't get into Pine View because of an arbitrary test score, but know this: you're off to a great start with your education. Just keep doing what you're doing, because clearly you have it figured out smile

Best of luck smile

Last edited by CCN; 04/29/13 08:09 PM.