I totally get your situation and I feel for you - believe me!!! I've mentioned before in other posts that it seems to me that DD9 has lost some of her "spark". She used to be so excited about everything new and wanted to know about everything. This has caused me to often wonder if the test results were off, or if maybe she is just really pretty normal and we are just seeing what we want to see in her and I really hate that. I don't know if the loss of her "spark" is just her maturing, her trying to blend in with the other kids, or if school is just sucking the life out of her. We only get one shot in life to do the right thing and I constantly doubt that I'm doing enough or the right things for both my girls. It can be so hard sometimes to see the "big picture". We just have to keep trying and try different things, and as you probably know - what works one day may not work the next.

I guess we just have to hope, pray and keep the faith! And if that doesn't work bribe them with ice cream or a puppy....lol!