Although i don't see a 5 minute silent lunch is a problem , i do see it as a problem because the punishment doesn't suit the crime . The punishment as i mentioned , was losing recess the next day .

My DS has been working on improving his behavior , and it is hard for me to accept that he will lose whole recess the next day because the day before he talked during that 5 minute silent lunch .

We're supposed to meet the school either tomorrow or the next day , they called this morning ( finally after 1 week waiting for their response !!

But anyway , please tell me what would you do if you were me , i really need some opinons .

I will bring up the lunch rule , since i don't really see the punishment fits the crime . Esp. for DS who's trying really hard to improve his behavior .

And another thing , he had a leftover bread yesterday after eating his lunch and he threw the small piece into the garbage can , and missed . Then he picked it up , and threw it in the garage , but yet one of the teacher 'moved his clip' saying he has no self discipline . Ds also said he's throwing his lunch box in the air but he catches it .. and that was also resulting clip moved and no self discipline .

Please correct me if i'm wrong , what is the big deal of throwing garbage into the trash can ? Is it wrong ? He did pick it up when he saw he missed the can . Am i being too soft or the school being ridiculous ? I really don't understand this .

And then DS told me yesterday that during PE he had to sit out because him and another student were pushing each other . The other student pushed him first , so he pushed back , they both were called by the coach and coach made DS sat out the whole time , while the other boy didn't get any consequences . DS was really not happy about this and felt that the coach just chose to believe the other student and being unfair .

I was also wondering if i should bring up about DS being told he's not using his time and material wisely because he was flicking money ( during math ) , or spinning his rules and taking out his pencils . Noted : he did all of these after he's done with his assignments . And that the teacher yelled in daily basis , when DS reported another boy because the boy was signaling him that he's stupid .. the teacher said to DS " does it hurt you ? "
and DS said quietly " No ... " Then teacher yelled " THEN STOP TATTLE TALE .. "

He doesn't know what to do anymore .. because if he's telling then he's afraid he might be in trouble .. i am afraid because if there is something that really is bad and needs to be reported , he probably won't do it because he's confuse ! should i or shouldn't i ..