I do remember as a kid though at my Catholic school that lunch and recess were one big thing. The teacher or nun walked us over and then left. So we managed to sit, eat, clean up, and then wander the fairly large grounds (there was a huge play ground, fields, and then a huge parking lot that had basketball, four square, Frisbee, jump ropes and kickball games). We were allowed to go where ever and do whatever we wanted to as long as when we saw our teacher (maybe she blew a whistle and you looked to see if it was your teacher?) we ran in.

I know there were parent volunteers and a few paid lunch aides in the lunch room and I know the PE coach was always on duty outside at lunch. But I will say that we had a lot more freedom than kids do today. I don't remember once anyone telling us to stop talking or that we were too loud. I assume if we were too loud they would have kicked the group of us being too loud out to go play rather than wait for us to go on our own. The food was good too! (I only bought once or twice a week). But good food, freedom to sit with your friends, manage your own time, get some fresh air/exercise...I do think we had it good.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary